Work For Tuesday 6th October

Good afternoon everyone.

I am in school but not in your lesson during period 6 today.

Please can you ensure that the following is completed:

  • All expected work, up to and including Learning To Edit With Adobe Premiere Pro, is available on your blog.

If you have already done this, please go back through your blog and check for excellence and detail in your posts.


If you have already done this you have a great opportunity to undertake some further independent study relating to Adobe Premiere Pro.

Adobe has a website dedicated to tutorials which range from beginner to advanced.

You can access the tutorials by CLICKING HERE.


  1. Mine and Alex's computers still are not loading Premier Pro so we are unable to complete the work. Is there any way you could contact the technicians and try and het this fixed.


Thanks for your comment. I will get back to you if there is something that I think needs to be picked up.