Planning : Target Audience Feedback

You now have an idea for a horror film aimed at a teen audience.

Your next task is to discuss this idea with members of your target audience in order to get their opinions about how your film could begin.

You need to undertake some research in which you share your 60 Second Pitch and collate responses relating to what members of the target audience may expect to see at the very start of the film.

This research could be done via questionnaires, interviews or group discussion BUT you have to form an evidence base. 

This is important as it will need to be presented on your blog.

Here are some ideas relating to how to do this:

  • Put together a group of young people who are representative of your target audience and film a discussion centred around the task above. This can then be edited and uploaded to Youtube to be embedded in your blog at a later point.
  • Devise a questionnaire which provides a copy of your 60 Second Pitch in text format followed by questions relating to potential openings. Take photos of completed questionnaires and a provide a summary of your feedback. If you want to, you can sign up for the free version of which allows you to create online surveys. You could then send links to the survey via your social media contacts.
  • Interview individual members of your target audience - ask the to provide their personal opinions about how they think the film would begin and why.
  • Use a combination of all 3 things above.

Work together as a group today to formulate the way in which you will move forwards with collating evidence of audience feedback.

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Thanks for your comment. I will get back to you if there is something that I think needs to be picked up.