Research Essay : Codes And Conventions In Existing Horror Films Aimed At A Teenage Audience

Please find below the title of the essay you need to complete by 3pm on Wednesday 11th November. 

This essay will be valuable for your planning and evaluation.
  • This essay should be done as a post to your blog. You can, if you wish, punctuate your essay with screen shots from the openings.
  • The essay should analyse the use of codes (technical and symbolic) and conventions in the 3 film openings that you have already made notes on.
  • Post images of your notes at the end of your essayThe word count should be targeted at 1000 words. 
  • You should select appropriate examples from the openings to illustrate the points that you make. 
  • You do not have to write about everything that you see and hear.

Analyse the codes and conventions of horror films as shown in the openings of 'Dead Wood', 'Dead Mary' and 'Wrong Turn'.

Once you have posted your essay you must read through it and make a judgement of your work against the marking criteria which have been posted separately.

Post a comment beneath your essay in which you explain which level you think your essay falls into for each of the 3 marking criteria. In order to show that you are using some higher order thinking skills you should also try to explain why you think your essay fits into each level you have awarded.

This comment will form the start of our learning conversation.

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Thanks for your comment. I will get back to you if there is something that I think needs to be picked up.