Term 3 : Production (Construction) Phase

You should have everything completed on your blog in relation to Research and Planning. I will be assessing this evidence and awarding you a mark out of 20 based on what is shown on your blog.

In today's lesson you will be asked to complete a Coursework Checkpoint sheet.

Moving Forwards

Term 3 now sees us entering the production phase of your film opening.

This is when you will be filming your raw footage and recording evidence of this process via your blog.

Which Camera to use?

You can either use your own video camera (if you have one) or borrow one of the video cameras that we have in the media department. Whichever you choose to do you must use the same camera for all of your recordings.

We have 2 types of camcorder available for you to borrow:
  • Canon Legria FS200 SD
  • Canon Legria HFR106 HD
Although modern mobile phones have excellent cameras built into them nowadays this is not a suitable device for you to use for your coursework.

You must practise using the camera in advance of filming in order to ensure that you know how to use the camera correctly.

In order to achieve a Level 3 mark of higher you must have evidence on your blog of this practice filming taking place and what you learn from the process.

Please ensure that you refer to the user manual for your camera to ensure that you can use it correctly.

The Canon Legria FS200 User Manual can be accessed by CLICKING HERE.

The Canon HFR106 User Manual can be accessed by CLICKING HERE.

Construction : Recording Evidence of Filming On Your Blog

You will be awarded a mark out of 60 for the Construction of your film opening.

This mark is determined by the following evidence:

  • Evidence and discussion of the filming of your raw footage.
  • Evidence and discussion of the editing of your raw footage.
  • Your completed film opening.

It is really important that you have evidence on your blog of the filming of your raw footage.

This will be largely pictorial (designate someone with the task of taking photographs of you filming) but should also include any commentary you may wish to make on how successful your filming sessions are. Did you encounter any issues or difficulties? If so, how did you overcome these?

Deadline for Completion

All raw footage and evidence of filming must be completed by Tuesday 9th February.

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Thanks for your comment. I will get back to you if there is something that I think needs to be picked up.