Planning : Initial Ideas and 60 Second Pitch

The starting point will be to discuss ideas for a teen horror film with the other members of your group, agree upon one of these ideas and then 'pitch' the idea to me.

You MUST remember that you are thinking of an idea for a complete film and not just attempting to think of an idea for a film opening.

Stage 1 : Brainstorming Ideas

Get together in your group and brainstorm ideas for a teen horror film. You need to make a record of these ideas as they will be needed as evidence on your blog. I will ask you to start with a large sheet of paper and put down ideas on this. you could. alternatively, do this electronically if you wish.

Stage 2 : Decision Making

Once you have exhausted yourself of possible ideas, you need to decide upon the one that you want to move ahead with. Make sure that you give this really careful consideration as you won't be able to change your mind. 

You will then need to give your film idea a 'working title' AND come up with a name for your film production company - this will be important as it will be included at the very start of your film opening.

Here are some images of your discussions thanking place which you will need for your own blog.

Stage 3 : The 60 Second Pitch

You are now in the position of being able to 'pitch' your idea to me. 

You will have 60 seconds in which to tell me about your idea for a horror film aimed at a teen audience. 

Remember that you are pitching the idea for the complete film - there will be no mention of the opening!

I will make the decision as to whether or not your idea is one which I think is viable.

Pitches need to be ready to be delivered this Friday during period 6.

Your 'pitch' will be recorded for you to be able to use on your blog.

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