Research : The Importance Of Sound In Horror Films

Sound is a vital element of any film and the way in which it can position an audience to feel a certain emotion is essential to the creation of atmosphere.

The use of sound in a horror film is vital to the success of this form of media product. It can, in films such as Psycho andJaws elevate the film to such an iconic level that the sound instantly identifies the film.

The following video is also worth a look and gives some advice for film makers.

Sound will play a vital role in your film opening.

The last research task we need to do before we start planning is to investigate why sound is so important to the success of a film.

This task will be in a post titled Research : The Importance Of Sound In Horror Films

This task needs to be completed individually and should be done as a piece of independent research - that means I will give you some guidelines but how much and exactly what you do is up to you. Just remember that this research should eventually inform and influence the ideas you have for the use of sound in your own film opening.

You need to show that you have delved into this art form....

  • You could start by reading about research that has been completed into why the music used in horror films scares us. 
  • You could include some classic clips from horror films to illustrate how the use of sound is so important. There are 7 iconic films that are totally normal without the sound which can be viewed BY CLICKING HERE 
  • There is also a website called which, rather unsurprisingly, dedicates itself to the use of sound in films. There is an interesting discussion here of the use of sound in horror and science fiction films which, once you have sifted through the plethora of information about Star Trek contains some useful snippets about sounds in horror films such as 'Psycho'.

There is lots more out there that you can use for this part of your research. Whether or not you find it, is pretty much down to how committed you are.

What your post looks like is up to you.

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