Research : The Importance Of Opening Titles

The video titled 'The Film Before The Film can be accessed by CLICKING HERE.

The video titled A Brief History of Title Design can be accessed by CLICKING HERE.


Art of the Title is a website that is dedicated, not unsurprisingly, to the art of opening title sequences in both film and television. It is a fantastic resource for the task I am about to set but also for any other independent research into opening title sequences that you may wish to do.

Step 1

Here is the opening to the psychological horror film 'Se7en' 

This film was released in 1995 and has an interesting title sequence which draws on a series of images and non-diegetic sound rather than using a narrative. The synopsis of the film is as follows:

Two detectives, a rookie and a veteran, hunt a serial killer who uses the seven deadly sins as his modus operandi. 

Step 2

Watch the opening to familiarise yourself with it.

Step 3

Take a sheet of A4 paper and make a note of what titles appear (wording) and when (time).

Step 4

Add a title to your sheet of A4 paper of TYPOGRAPHY.

Make some notes about the font style, size, colour and positioning on the screen.

What observations can you make?

Step 5

Take another sheet of A4 paper and write the VISUAL ELEMENTS at the top.

Watch the opening again but this time without the sound. make notes about what you see (the visuals) throughout the opening. Describe what your eyes see - this includes locations, characters and any other images.What type of atmosphere is created and how?Step 

Step 6

On the reverse of the above sheet write the title ELEMENTS OF SOUND.

Play the opening again but this time close your eyes and listen to the sounds - the audio. describe what you can hear as precisely as possible. Is there music? If so, what type of music? Think about the tempo, the instruments, the feelings and emotions it evokes. What about other sounds? How can you describe these? 
The two key terms when thinking about the use of sound are diegetic and non-diegetic. 

Diegetic sound comes from within the world of the film itself - this could include dialogue between characters, the music playing in a shapping centre, a baby crying, traffic noise, etc.

Non-diegetic sound is added to the film during the post-production phase. this could be a musical score, sound effects, a voice-over, etc.

Step 7

Take photographs of all of your notes.

Create a post on your blog titled Research : The Importance Of Opening Titles

Post images of your notes together with an explanation of the process that you followed.

Embed the opening titles of 'Se7en' into this post as well as a link to The Art Of The Title

What have you learnt from this process that you may be able to apply to the planning of the opening titles for your own film opening?

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Thanks for your comment. I will get back to you if there is something that I think needs to be picked up.